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Central Scientific and Technical Library
for Construction and Architecture
The Central Scientific and Technical Library for Construction and Architecture is engaged in information and library and bibliographic services for specialists, organizations and enterprises of the construction complex.

Organized on March 30, 1930.

The library acquired the status of the Central Scientific and Technical Library for Construction and Architecture (TsSTL SiA) in 1957.

The fund base for the creation of the

Central Scientific and Technical Library of SIA was: - a library at the Permanent All-Union Construction Exhibition, organized in 1930, repeatedly reorganized (1932, 1936) and in 1943 renamed into the Central Scientific and Technical Library for Construction;

- Scientific Library of the All-Union Academy of Architecture, organized in 1933;

- Scientific and technical library of the Ministry of Building Materials Industry.
The Central Scientific and Technical Library for Construction and Architecture is the leading body in the field of information and library and bibliographic services for specialists, organizations and enterprises of the construction complex. Organized on March 30, 1930. The funds contain printed publications on construction, architecture and related fields of knowledge, most of which are of scientific and cultural value. Monographs, periodical information materials, industrial and technical literature, a specialized collection of regulatory and technical documents for design and construction are presented. The library funds are of great scientific and cultural value, number about 1 million items. They contain monographs, reference books and bibliographic publications on construction and architecture, domestic and foreign scientific literature on construction and related fields, periodicals, information materials from 1930 to the present. The funds of the Central Scientific and Technical Library of SIA also contain antique and rare Russian and foreign books of the 15th-20th centuries, editions of the pre-revolutionary, pre-war and war years. A collection of rarities on architectural and construction topics, painting, sculpture and graphics is of particular value from the point of view of the development of the theory and history of architecture and construction technology.
Электронная регистрация читателя
Услуга онлайн регистрации предоставляется гражданам Российской Федерации и других государств, достигшим 14 лет.
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  • понедельник — четверг: с 9:30 до 20:00
  • пятница: с 9:30 до 19:00
летний период (с 01.06. по 31.08. текущего года):
  • понедельник — четверг: с 9:30 до 18:00
  • пятница: с 9:30 до 17:00
Читальный зал - 8 (495) 639-68-65
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Электронная почта: info@cntb-sa.ru